About kate

Hello everyone! This is Kate, and I'd like to share a bit about the individuals behind the website. I am part of the mother-daughter team managing everything behind the scenes. I'm a single mother to an amazing little girl and also an angel mother to Amelia Mae and Jessie Rae. In May 2022, I went into labor unexpectedly, and my twins were born prematurely. Tragically, they were too small for any life-saving interventions, marking the beginning of my personal journey in this business. My mother taught me to use the laser engraver, which helped me find a creative outlet during a time of immense grief. This new focus was lifesaving. Gradually, I learned more about the business, and when UVDTF printing emerged, I transitioned from my Cricut to owning a UVDTF printer. This has made creating new products and fulfilling custom orders even more enjoyable. Thank you for your support, which allows me to work from home with my daughter and strive for independence while living with my parents. Thank you so much for everyone's continued support and patience while i figure out all the ins and outs of running this business!
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